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in Finance & Maths


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206 candidates with 4 year(s) experience.

Resume Name Educational Background Posted
********** *********** doctorat mathématiques appliquées université de rennes diplome d ingénieur ensai rennes master 2 mathématiques probabilité recherches université de rennes 22/07/2022
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : machine learning data analyse modelisation probabiliste
computer skills : python numpy pandas scikit learn r matlab
********** *********** doctorat mathématiques appliquées université de rennes diplome d ingénieur ensai rennes master 2 mathématiques probabilité recherches université de rennes 22/07/2022
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : machine learning data analyse modelisation probabiliste
computer skills : python numpy pandas scikit learn r matlab
********** *********** doctorat mathématiques appliquées université de rennes diplome d ingénieur ensai rennes master 2 mathématiques probabilité recherches université de rennes 22/07/2022
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : machine learning data analyse modelisation probabiliste
computer skills : python numpy pandas scikit learn r matlab
********** *********** doctorat mathématiques appliquées université de rennes diplome d ingénieur ensai rennes master 2 mathématiques probabilité recherches université de rennes 22/07/2022
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : specialite ex : quant front office
computer skills : python numpy pandas scikit learn r matlab
********** *********** master 1 2 de finance 15/03/2020
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : specialite ex : quant front office
computer skills : word powerpoint excel vba
********** *********** principal of client solutions helping world renowned consulting companies such as mckinsey company boston consulting group bcg accenture and roland berger to find experts in various fields and complete interviews in a short period of time 11/05/2019
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : • implemented implied volatility parametric models raw jumpwing svi power law heston like surface svi for pricing of exotic equity derivatives structured products in c# f# • pitched flow structured products eln koeln fcn dran to sales in hong kong mainland • for non flow structured products leverage notes total return swaps repo worked with risk legal compliance departments to deliver structured solutions to institutional corporate clients • designed tools to monitor trading positions done all the trades in back to back manner with banks
computer skills : r matlab vba excel c++ stl boost quantlib c# python sophis risque imagine software blan
********** *********** master 2 banque : management et ingenierie financière en alternance sur le poste de conseiller de clientèle des professionnels 09/05/2019
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : financements structures
computer skills : pack office access
********** *********** doctorat en bioinformatique ingénieur en informatique 17/04/2019
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : specialite ex : quant front office
computer skills : principaux language programmation c++ python etc
********** *********** ingénieur d état en génie civil de l ecole hassania des travaux publics mastère spécialisé finance de l iscae mastère spécialisé leadership et projets innovants de l ecole centralesupélec paris 14/12/2018
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : specialite ex : quant front office
computer skills : excel vba avance
********** *********** master 2 en management et finance d entreprises 27/06/2018
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : specialite ex : quant front office
computer skills : excel oracle sap ciel quadratus
********** *********** master 2 mathématique du risque mr master 2 ingénierie statistique et numérique isn 25/06/2018
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : modelisation : stat analyse donnees previsions
computer skills : sas r spad matlab vba sql java
********** *********** doctorant a l informatique de inria sophia antipolis et universite de nice 28/03/2018
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : mathematical research machine learning
computer skills : python matlab
********** *********** doctorat en mathématiques appliquées 01/03/2018
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : econometrie bio stat stat
computer skills : r sas sql c++
********** *********** financial engineering telecom paristech ms financial economics columbia business school 11/12/2017
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quantitative strategies fixed income fx emerging market
computer skills : python matlab excel vba c++ c#
********** *********** wealth management and financial markets 22/09/2017
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : macroeconomics asset management commodities equities interest rates options derivatives
computer skills : ms office vba datastream bloomberg thomson reuters eviews 360t platform sugar crm
********** *********** Master 2 Recherche Parcours Finance Quantitative - Paris I La Sorbonne - ENSTA Supélec 09/08/2017
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant
computer skills : C++,Java,R,Matlab
********** *********** bachelor degree: mathematics and applied mathematics beihang university china master degree: control and automation science beihang university china engineer degree: computer telecommunication and robotics ecole centrale de pékin doctor degree: computational mechanics ecole normale supérieure paris sacalay france 21/07/2017
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : mathematical model research numerical implementation quantitative analysis
computer skills : c c++ java python sql matlab
********** *********** master of science in mathematical trading and finance at cass business school city university london uk bachelor of science in mathematical finance mathematics and statistics at the australian national university australia 27/11/2016
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : fresh graduate with several part time job experiences
computer skills : matlab vba r s plus c python
********** *********** c# wpf wcf 26/10/2015
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : market data
computer skills : c# wpf wcf
********** *********** phd numerique scientific de ecole centrale de nantes 24/10/2015
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant
computer skills : c++ vba java matlab
********** *********** doctorat en mathématiques appliquées titre de la thèse: etude de la convergence des méthodes de redistribution de masse pour les problèmes de contact en élastodynamique 04/03/2015
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : latex microsoft office word powerpoint excel html
computer skills : programmation simulation en utilisant logiciels matlab c++
********** *********** finance and international market banking 19/02/2015
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : banking financial consulting market finance it consulting accounting auditing
computer skills : computer skills: proficient in excel powerpoint word access vba thaler bloomberg telekurs databases financial software internet reuters other
********** *********** 2012 : diplÔme d’ingÉnieur de conception de l’i n p hb institut national polytechnique houphouët boigny de yamoussoukro option : finances comptabilité 2006 : fin de formation académique du diplÔme d’ingenieur financier et comptable difc de l’i n p hb institut national polytechnique houphouët boigny de yamoussoukro 2003 : brevet de technicien supÉrieur bts option : finances comptabilité au centre de bureautique de communication et de gestion cbcg de cocody 2000 : baccalauréat série d au groupe joconde 09/10/2014
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : • techniques comptables approfondies • ingenierie financiere diagnostic financier • gestion budgetaire • marche financiers • audit bancaire interne d’entreprise • controle gestion • analyse strategique • risk management • gestion comptable informatisee • fiscalite directs indirects difficultes actualites fiscales • droit international droit penal affaires
computer skills : tres bonne logiciels pratiques : word excel power point sage saari spss navigation internet
********** *********** doctorate 27/06/2014
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : finance
computer skills : c++ mpi openmp fortran
********** *********** doctorat en télédétection et météorologie complété par des formations en informatique unix scripting shell shell oracle tng dollar u autosys language c et fortran sig 03/05/2014
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : formation en finance math financieres methodes bancaires
computer skills : unix shell scripting cft tng autosys matlab idl sql oracle
********** *********** master icn en finance de marché  icn business school spécialisation en finance de marché  analyse financière  gestion d’actifs et de portefeuille  produits structurés 26/01/2014
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : front office money market dealing equity analyst commodity trading
computer skills : vba sql bloomberg reuters kondor+
********** *********** statistique Économétrie modélisation 01/01/2014
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : front quant
computer skills : c++ sas matlab r
********** *********** master 2 miage université de reims 09/11/2013
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : finance entreprise gestion portefeuille
computer skills : java c# vba sql javascript uml visual studio bases donnees access mssql server mysql
********** *********** 23/08/2013
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant it
computer skills : vba oracle sql pl sql sas java scilab c++ latex html php
********** *********** ingénieur statisticienne 2008 double diplôme mba master en finance et gestion des risques 2011 13/08/2013
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : middle office : modelisation stat analyste risques analyse marche controle reporting
computer skills : vba excel sas r pack office sql
********** *********** ingénieur statistique et analyse des données phd mathématiques appliquées 07/01/2013
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : analyses quantitatives risk managemnt
computer skills : matlab c c++ sas spss eviews r
********** *********** essec business school paris 2012 mastère spécialisé en techniques financières 2ème au classement du financial times École nationale supérieure des télécoms brest france 2007 diplôme d’ingénieur télécom bretagne parmi les 10 premières écoles d’ingénieurs en france etudes en probabilités statistiques et processus stochastiques 30/11/2012
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : front office it quant moa
computer skills : windows linux unix matlab vba visual c c++ java html ms office word power point excel
********** *********** master 2 professionnel techniques d’information et de décision dans l’entreprise mention ab – université panthéon sorbonne paris i – 2008 08/10/2012
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : asset management produits structures titrisation gestion obligataire risques credit
computer skills : logiciels financiers : bloomberg calypso creditmetrics factset bankscope sites internet agences notation summit logiciels : pack office sas stata e views access vba visual studio
********** *********** ingénieur principale en informatique 26/09/2012
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : assurance
computer skills : java j2ee struts hibernate springmvc extjs jquery db2 mysql
********** *********** ingénieur civil des mines de paris professeur agrégé de mathematiques master finance lamberton mention tb 13/09/2012
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant
computer skills : c c++ c# sql vba matlab
********** *********** -conservatoire national des arts et métiers cnam encours: master 1 en finance de marché -ufr des sciences et techniques du havre 2010: master 2 mathématiques et informatique des systèmes complexes et distribués matis parcours systèmes informatiques réseaux et sécurité -institut supérieur de gestion isg tunis 2007: maîtrise en informatique appliquée à la gestion 08/06/2012
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : -decisions financieres long terme evaluation actifs financiers -financement operations internationales : salle marche moyens couverture
computer skills : consultant java jee ( 4 ans d’experiences )
********** *********** master eea electronique electrotechnique et automatisme parcours iicse informatique industrielle et commande des systèmes embarqués à l’université de reims 10/05/2012
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : office
computer skills : matlab mentor graphics c c++ linux php protel office mysql
********** *********** 2007 2008 master professionnel miage méthodes informatiques appliquées à la gestion des entreprises iup miage université de haute alsace mulhouse 2006 licence méthodes informatiques appliquées à la gestion des entreprises iup miage université de haute alsace mulhouse 02/05/2012
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : asset management
computer skills : java jee tibco c++ service oriented architecture weblogic 9 10 spring hibernate gwt puremvc web services cxf sso junit ajax dom ldap maven ant hudson snoar nexus cvs svn
********** *********** master 2 informatique université de lorraine 17/04/2012
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : scoring
computer skills : [java] #61623 javase javaee #61623 swing awt jdbc hibernate ejb 3 jpa ibatis jbpm jms jfreechart javamail jsf junit [base donnees] #61623 oracle postgresql mysql access sqlserver [methodes] #61623 merise uml [xml] #61623 xpath jaxb jaxp sax dom xsd #61623 web services jax ws axis [web] #61623 jsf jsp servlets applet ajax php #61623 javascript css [outils] #61623 eclipse jbuilder netbeans jboss seam jwsdp oracle sql developer [serveurs] #61623 tomcat jboss apache activemq [business intelligence] #61623 business object talend crystal report jasper ireport sas [reseaux] #61623 pop3 smtp tcp ip sockets model osi [autres] #61623 c c++ c# vtiger crm cms jomla
********** *********** ingénieur informatique 31/01/2012
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : c++ finance marche
computer skills : c++ c# finance marche
********** *********** 27/12/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization :
computer skills :
********** *********** msc finance johns hopkins university ba economics uc irvine 20/12/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : • use of crystal ball stata matlab spss erp edw crm monte carlo simulation binomial lattice • understanding of cmbs mbs pac support bonds io po’s prepayment risk cpr psa cmo tranches oas dcf model commodity futures oil natural gas copper gold equity derivatives calls puts forwards swaps • interest in private equity real estate office hotel residential retail commercial • experience with forecasting modeling journal entries invoices gl npv var capm bond rates eps p e altman’s z score commercial residential real estate use standard poor’s marketedge for equity research • proficient in hyperion essbase business objects microstrategy megastat khalix clarity vba bloomberg capiq
computer skills : • use of crystal ball stata matlab spss erp edw crm monte carlo simulation binomial lattice • understanding of cmbs mbs pac support bonds io po’s prepayment risk cpr psa cmo tranches oas dcf model commodity futures oil natural gas copper gold equity derivatives calls puts forwards swaps • interest in private equity real estate office hotel residential retail commercial • experience with forecasting modeling journal entries invoices gl npv var capm bond rates eps p e altman’s z score commercial residential real estate use standard poor’s marketedge for equity research • proficient in hyperion essbase business objects microstrategy megastat khalix clarity vba bloomberg capiq
********** *********** ingenieur genie logiciel 14/12/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : banques
computer skills : ***langages c c++ shell java basic c# xml ***web html php5 asp jsp css 2 javascript ajax ***ide eclipse microsoft visual studio websphere amc designer jbuilder ***framework composants : jquery jsf struts hibernate gmf emf ejb rmi xml ***sgbd mysql postgresql sql server oracle jbase pl sql jql ***conception merise uml2 ***systemes linux windows ***outils svn cvs test link
********** *********** msc california institute of technology mfe national university of singapore 08/12/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant front office investment banking
computer skills : quant front office investment banking
********** *********** isep institut superieur d electronique de paris msc information technology major in project management itesm intittuto tecnologico de estudios superiores de monterrey enginer information system tut tampere university of technology programme d echange 14/11/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : sap finance support administration
computer skills : sql oracle java vb
********** *********** msc mathematical finance bsc in chemical and process engineering 06/09/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quantitative finance mathematical modeling
computer skills : matlab vba c++ sql eviews
********** *********** #61656 niveau de formation : bac + 5 ans #61656 Écoles : ecole nationale des sciences de l’informatique ensi #61656 spécialité : système d’informations et de connaissances déroulement des études : 2008 • obtention du diplôme national d’ingénieur en informatique avec mention assez bien à l’ecole nationale des sciences de l’informatique ensi 2004 • admission au concours national d accès aux écoles nationales d ingénieurs • obtention du diplôme de fin d’études préparatoires à l’institut préparatoire aux etudes d ingénieur de monastir ipeim monastir – tunisie 2002 • obtention du diplôme de baccalauréat section technique avec mention assez bien au lycée taher sfar sousse – tunisie 14/08/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : integration production tools etc
computer skills : scripting shell perl etc sql ldap
********** *********** master en finance quantitative et diplome d ingenieur 21/07/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : analyste quantitatif
computer skills : vba c++
********** *********** j’ai suivi une formation en informatique généraliste j’ai aussi eu des cours de management et de droit 11/07/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : erp solution business intelligence
computer skills : programmation: java c# c++ jsp html asp net php drupal wordpress base donnees : oracle 9i 10g microsoft sql server mysql db2 reseaux : tcp ip configuration routeurs cisco des switchs cisco technologie voip o s : linux mac os x windows server 2003 windows server 2008 windows xp vista 7 autres : active directory exchange server
********** *********** mastère finance et commerce international 2007 doctorant en gestion spécialité finance depuis décembre 2009 19/05/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : front office back office analyse
computer skills : • systemes d’exploitation : windows 95 98 xp nt 2000 2003 2007 • langages : pascal turbo pascal niveau terminal scolaire • bureautique : pack office word excel powerpoint outlook
********** *********** msc in quantitative finance supaero in partnership with toulouse business school msc in it maths and electrical engineering 23/03/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : trading structuring risk management
computer skills : c# sql r vb vba matlab bloomberg
********** *********** • mba in financial markets institute for technology management itm ifm navi mumbai 72% march 2000 • bachelor of commerce acc hon’s institute for excellence in higher education bhopal 68% 2005 • senior secondary school hema higher secondary school bhopal mp 72% 2002 • higher secondary school st xavier’s school bhopal mp 50% 2000 13/03/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : • ncfm national stock exchange certifications : • commodity module •securities module •capital market module •derivative module • nsdl depository module •amfi mutual fund advisory module • diploma with a+ grade in customer relationship management from symbiosis pune • post graduate diploma in computer application from nitc bhopal • lead writer for the monthly magazine e gurukul published by itm ifm
computer skills : • well versed in windows xp vista windows 7 • ms word ms excel ms powerpoint version 2007
********** *********** master in information technology bac+5 06/03/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : front office development + Sales(Insurance)
computer skills : software development analysis design uml data base skills: oracle 9i oracle 10g access mysql oracle jdeveloper pl sql sql server rdbms data warehouse development languages: c++ java j2ee javascript sql turbo pascal visual basic 6 0 xml technologies operating systems: windows nt 2000 windows xp unix word access excel powerpoint
********** *********** mphil space and climate physics 2006 university college london uk msc physics 2001 clemson university usa bsc physics and astronomy 1998 university of wyoming usa 03/03/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : business analysis sit uat testing
computer skills : c c++ fortran octave matlab shell scripts sql perl vba microsoft office applications including excel access
********** *********** bachelor of technology comp scince iit bombay master of technology in comp sc iit bombay cfa level2 candidate 04/02/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : stat arb volatility high frequency application development strong technical skills
computer skills : c# net c++ java mssql mysql matlab unix ruby perl shell
********** *********** Master Ingéniérie Mathématiques Informatiques et Statistiques 11/01/2011
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : Finance Quantitative-Risque
computer skills : vba sas connaissances en c++
********** *********** swiss finance institute: 1st year phd courses in quantitative finance university pompeu fabra: msc in economics finance honours hec lausanne: master in economics 29/12/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quantitative global macro strategist systematic cross asset fund manager
computer skills : matlab econometrics software
********** *********** Senior risk manager at ING (The Hague - Netherlands); CDO rating analyst at Fitch Ratings (London - UK); FRM certificate holder (2010); Master Degree in Finance (Paris - France) 28/12/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : Risk Management; Structured Finance
computer skills : Microsoft Office; Bloomberg; Riskmetrics
********** *********** ms stanford university management engineering diplome d ingénieur enst paris real time and embedded systems universidad politécnica de madrid electrical engineering 22/12/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : trading
computer skills : c++ java matlab r sql
********** *********** computer science engineer 20/12/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : middleware develompent integration billing bccs architecture
computer skills : java j2ee ejb jsp servlet etc sql plsql webservices
********** *********** Ecole des Mines de Nancy -Master major : mathematics -Master major : applied mathematics and computer science 05/12/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : Trading Desk Developer IT Quant
computer skills : matlab r c++ c# vba python sql flex javascript
********** *********** maitrise informatique appliquée à la gestion 02/12/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : leasing affacturage recouvrement
computer skills : c c++ proc oracle sql unix
********** *********** diplomé d un master finance quantitative à l université paris dauphine et diplômé d un master actuariat à l université laval au canada j ai une expérience internationale de plus trois ans en analyse quantitative du risque et en informatique 08/10/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant derivatives products gestion liquidite
computer skills : c++ java sas acl
********** *********** master finance entreprise marchés iae grenoble 06/10/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : developpeur support front office
computer skills : vba c# net c++ c java sql applications fonctionnelles : scilab
********** *********** computer science engineer master in it 27/09/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : finance banking
computer skills : quality assurance cmmi itil certified several programming languages web php etc
********** *********** ingenieur insa lyon master s in european business escp europe 23/09/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : valuation control systemes informations front to back investment banking
computer skills : excel access
********** *********** 2007 : ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées paris master professionnel enpc option : management des systèmes d’information des entreprises ecole nationale des sciences géographiques – paris ingénieur d’état ensg option : système d’information 2004 : maîtrise en informatique mention bien faculté des sciences semlalia marrakech – maroc 1999 : baccalauréat sciences mathématique mention bien 03/09/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : competences fonctionnelles #61558 obligations bond #61558 produits derives swap cap floor #61558 gestion projet #61558 comptabilite #61558 management #61558 entreprenariat #61558 analyse financiere #61558 gestion relation client #61558 solution si #61558 securite si #61558 urbanisation si
computer skills : competences techniques #61558 os solaris linux windows #61558 reseaux ip protocoles associes arp ip tcp udp snmp internet intranet #61558 sgbd sybase postgresql oracle mysql sql server notion #61558 langages c c++ shells sh ksh sql pl sql xml html java javascript #61558 methode merise uml itil soa notion #61558 logiciels summit v5 2 1 v5 2 3 etk stp
********** *********** master of computer science unsw sydney australia top student at undergraduate course ho chi minh national university vietnam 20/07/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quantitative trading model developing statistics
computer skills : c c++ delphi vba matlab tradestation
********** *********** master degree in engineering telecom int master degree in management specialized with a one year major in finance hec paris 22/06/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : asian single stocks volatility trader
computer skills : applications microsoft office bloomberg languages c vba excellent level
********** *********** MBA with finance concentration 04/06/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : risk management financial accounting statement analysis corporate valuation strategy management international business project management
computer skills : various programming languages
********** *********** DEA mathématiques et applications Paris 6 DEA commun avec l’école polytechnique Versailles et ENSTA modèles mathématiques issu de la physiques biologies et la finances 25/04/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : marche financier formation CNAM
computer skills : bureautique : Excel Microsoft Project Powerpoint Word langages : C C++ Html J2ee Java Javascript Matlab PLSQL,SQL pv wave scilab Méthodes : Merise Uml outils developpement agl : dreamweaver rational rose,Eclipse,eWame sgbd : mysql oracle
********** *********** ingénieur de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) 14/04/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : financial maths
computer skills : quantitative finance vba sql java c++
********** *********** mathematiques appliques à dauphine et master finance co habilitée avec ensae 25/03/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : front office
computer skills : vba sql java
********** *********** 4eme année ecole d ingénieur spécialité génie informatique insa toulouse date d obtention du diplôme: juillet 2011 24/02/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : aucune
computer skills : langage programmation: java c ada ingenieurie logiciel developement web management projet autre outils: xml web semantique ontologie python
********** *********** licence mass master 2 ingénierie économique 02/02/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : gestion actif allocation innovation produit
computer skills : vba excel api bloomberg access dao r python
********** *********** finance entreprenaria prob stats 02/02/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : trader commodities
computer skills : bloomberg future source order system management fortis trading platform ice fortis vista trs lotus note crystal microsoft excel powerpoint word access mini tab file maker 6 macromedia flash
********** *********** master 2 professionnel banque et finance 26/01/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : back middle office
computer skills : excell powerpoint
********** *********** bac + 5 14/01/2010
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : equity derivatives trading/structuring
computer skills : excel vba,java,sql,php
********** *********** professionnelle : 2009 le risque bancaire par la société afgès 2008 initiation aux marchés financiers par la société first finance la titrisation par l’éditeur fermat le corep dans fermat par l’éditeur fermat les crm par l’éditeur fermat 2007 les accords de bâle ii par la société proformalys utilisation du progiciel fermat pour bâle ii par l’éditeur fermat 2006 datastage px niveau avancé par la société lbm organisation de projet en formation interne groupe caisse d’épargne scolaire : 2009 master finance de marché au cnam en cours 2005 dess eid exploration informatique des données à l’univ paris xiii 2004 maîtrise d’informatique à l’univ paris xiii 10/11/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : • bale ii: risque credit produits bancaires crm provisions garanties titri • reporting corep • notation
computer skills : • gestion risque avec fermat module gem cad rrt • informatique decisionnelle avec sas kxen matlab • etl : datastage px odi • sgbd : oracle 9i sqlserver terradata • reporting : buisness objects 6 x • outils bureautiques word excel power point ms project • langue : anglais
********** *********** m sc maths advance pg diploma in bioinformatics 09/11/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : ms office internet
computer skills : c c++
********** *********** master of engineering from texas a m ingénieur de l estp 05/11/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : auditeur financier risk specialist
computer skills : office c++
********** *********** bachelor of engineering student of part time phd ba 04/11/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : equities risk analytics
computer skills : sql vba matlab sas
********** *********** dess banque finance gestion des risques université paris 13 25/08/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : equity
computer skills : bo sql
********** *********** 2000 2005 dublin institute of technology dublin irlande admise sur concours nationaux etudes de commerce international et langues français et italien Équivalent de mastère bac+5 etudes principales : #61656 finance internationale finance d’entreprise marchés des capitaux financiers: maîtrise des risques mathématiques financières comptabilité financière et informatique mémoire de fin d’études « mondialisation et spéculation sur les matières premières industrie du café » #61656 management international economie droit international marketing international sciences de gestion 2003 2004 université paris i panthéon sorbonne paris france année de maîtrise en sciences de gestion échange erasmus 24/08/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : front office maitrise ouvrage rapports financiers sur comptes actifs analyse stat l’aide logiciel crm salesforce formation utilisateurs potentiels fermetures p sur compte pertes profits etudes en details #61656 finance internationale finance d’entreprise marche capitaux financiers: maitrise risques math financieres comptabilite financiere informatique
computer skills : environnement ms office windows linux unix langages sql html java c logiciels salesforce sap oracle
********** *********** master 2 miage méthodes informatiques appliquées à la gestion des entreprises de l université paris sud 11 09/08/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : facturation bloomberg
computer skills : vb net asp net java sql plsql uml merise oracle mysql sqlserver
********** *********** 2000 DEA mathématique physique faculté des sciences à Rabat au Maroc 2001 DEA méthode physique expérimentale et instrumentation UJF grenoble 2004 Doctorat en physique UJF grenoble 2007 Programmation Transact SQL pour SQL Server : Learning Tree 2008 XML Travaux pratiques : Learning Tree 09/07/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : Débutante
computer skills : Bonne maitrise : Latex,Word,Powerpoint,Excel (2003/2007) Gestion bases donnees : SQL 2000,2005 Environnements : Linux,Unix et Wndows Langage : C,C++,Fortran,asp,Php,XML,Xquery,Xpath,HTML,VBA, Transact Sql Server
********** *********** phd in mathematical science < 2005 – 2009 > centre for analysis of risk and optimisation modelling application brunel university uk thesis title: copula based methods and models for financial risk analysis and scenario generation master of science in mathematical finance < 2003 – 2004 > university of hull uk 28/05/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : copula modelling statistical analysis time series dependence modelling scenario generation portfolio optimisation quant
computer skills : splus r spss excel vba ampl
********** *********** ingénieur informaticien et mba international en finance et stratégie 25/04/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : chef projet moa moe salle marche
computer skills : c c++ ideal java vb sql
********** *********** dea el karoui ingenieur de l ecole centrale paris 08/04/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quantitative analyst strategist desk quant background from general math derivatives pricing math multi skilled engineer very experienced with econometrics statistical modelling theory practice autonomy with it systems as well as programming
computer skills : c c++ c# net development excel vba sql latex xml technologies matlab visual studio
********** *********** master finance 05/04/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : comptabilite back office
computer skills : assistance en maitrise ouvrage
********** *********** brevet de technicien supérien en finance comptabilité 26/03/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : math financiere analyse financiere
computer skills : word excel ebp saari compta
********** *********** ensimag + mastère finance hec 20/03/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : 8 mois stage chez bnp paribas assistant trader sur desk pret emprunt titres
computer skills : c c++ java sql vba j2ee html xml
********** *********** 2008 2009 : master 2 isifar parcours « informatique finance » université paris 7 diderot 1999 2002 : bac+4 d’ingénieur d’application à l institut des hautes etudes en télécommunication management in sup option: systemes reseaux informatiques 1998 1999 : première année universitaire section mathématiques physiques » 1997 1998 : baccalauréat série sciences mathématiques mention bien 23/02/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : • gestion risque risque credit risque marche risque operationnel • methodes numeriques pour edp en finance • math financieres modele black scholes modeles taux d’interet • econometrie la finance arbitrage stat • techniques front middle office salles marche
computer skills : #61607 systemes d’exploitation : windows 98 nt 2000 unix linux notion en netware novell #61607 langages programmation : asp asp net jsp visual basic 6 xml html jscript technologie net c# #61607 methode analyse : merise acsi conception orientee objet uml #61607 sgbd: sql server oracle sql pl sql access mysql #61607 logiciels multimedia: ms visual studio dreamweaver interdev adobe photoshop #61607 logiciels stat : sas r #61607 serveur web : iis tomcat
********** *********** a u 07 08 master 2 « salle des marchés metiers trading et gestion d’actifs » institut des hautes etudes economiques et commerciales – inseec paris salle des marchés et mécanisme de trading analyse technique chartiste techniques d’analyse et d’optimisation de la performance du portefeuille gestion collective appliquée aux opcvm analyse financière et stratégique de l entreprise marchés monétaires et obligataires a u 06 07 master 2 gestion des risques et des actifs université d’evry val d’essonne pricing en produits dérivés gestion des risques techniques de titrisation crédit scoring mathématiques financières et modélisation a u 01 02 master 1 « gestion financière » faculté des sciences economiques et de gestion de sfax juin 1997 baccalauréat mathématiques 13/02/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : gl net trade vba pour finance gauss ciel compta
computer skills : gl net trade vba pour finance sas gauss access word excel power point
********** *********** ingénieur de l ecole centrale paris + master de l université paris 1 panthéon sorbonne 06/02/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : Commodities,FX
computer skills : vba,excel
********** *********** m2 gestion des risques institut d’administration des entreprises – iae toulouse cours principaux : gestion des risques financiers opérationnels business environnementaux et industriels … Évaluation d’entreprises finance d’entreprise arbitrages stratégiques probabilité et statistiques audit organisationnel et social approche juridique du risque veille technologique et concurrentielle … 30/01/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : marche financier risque management math financieres
computer skills : word excel powerpoint vba crystall ball sap
********** *********** dea statistiques 23/01/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : gestionnaire risque crédit
computer skills : sas excel moses vba
********** *********** ingenieur commercial bac +5 22/01/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : cristalball stata
computer skills : spss e views office
********** *********** ecole centrale paris msc : general engeneering specialisation in applied mathematics universite paris dauphine ensae msc : master masef mathematical finance economics and insurance 09/01/2009
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant structuring
computer skills : c c++ oo vb matlab sql latex
********** *********** • 2004 2005: ma msc in financial engineering from esc tunis business school of tunis ecole superieure de commerce de tunis • 2003 2004: master degree in finance from university of economics management of tunis faculté des sciences economiques et de gestion de tunis 24/12/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : •investment financial analyst specialized in retail industrial distribution sectors : elaboration of companies’ financial analysis equity researches covering north african industrial commercial companies listed in the regional stock exchange market delivering investment recommendations to investors •feasibility studies’ elaboration: market analysis market studies investment financing plans operating program profitability analysis •due diligence financial diagnosis privatization merger acquisition ipo’s
computer skills : microsoft excel
********** *********** esc clermont ferrand specialisation en finance de marché 21/12/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : trade execution equitites us options fixed income structured products
computer skills : olympic stb2 swift alliance mt541 43 99 samba fidessa market windows fundsettle citco fundsetup bloomberg notes
********** *********** niveau phd économétrie modélisation économique appliquée sorbonne 08/12/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : alm actuariat ou quant en reconversion
computer skills : standards word xl vba
********** *********** msc treasury and investment and bbs in risk with finance 30/11/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : dealer trader treasury manager fixed income abs money market fx irs cp emtn repo alm frn
computer skills : • spreadsheets –i am very proficient have very good experience in using microsoft excel i have extensive experience in developing portfolio models building spreadsheets via macros that take data from bloomberg reuters directly our front office system • other packages – i am quite capable with acrobat reader writer also the kondor+ opics cumulus bloomberg reuters dealing extra 3000 banking systems i have also had experience in using visual basic microsoft powerpoint access
********** *********** mba boston college diplôme esc bordeaux examen cfa niveau 3 passé avec succès 24/11/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : trader analyste quant hedge fund
computer skills : maitrise bloomberg reuters connaissances en vba debutant visual studio c#
********** *********** mba finance option marchés des capitaux 23/11/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : specialite en finance marche: back office middle office front office
computer skills : maitrise outils bureautiques word excel power point logiciels econometriques connaissances pratiques sur programmation vba visual basic application
********** *********** ingénieur esaip en système d informations 10/11/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : finance marche back office
computer skills : langages informatiques : c c++ java jsp j2ee html sql pl sql script shell vb vba base donnees : oracle mysql access operating system : unix linux windows 95 98 2000 nt xp reseaux : tcp ip lan wan methodologies : uml merise
********** *********** doctorat mathématiques appliquées essec finance 10/11/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant structuration pricing
computer skills : c++ vba matlab
********** *********** Sept 2008 - Dec 2008 Intermediate Business English from Amideast,Rabat - Morocco Sept 2002 - Nov 2003 Master degree in Banking and Finance (with good merit) from Tours University,France Final Project: “Stock Options” Mar 2001 - Mai 2002 ZDAF and Mittelstufe 3 Certificates in German as a foreign language,Goethe Institute,Rabat Sept 1995 - Dec 1999 Bac+4 in Management from High-Tech Business School,Rabat - Morocco Final Project: “Improving Internal Audit effectiveness” Sept 1993 - Jun 1995 1st year in Mathematics and Physics from the Mohamed V University,Rabat - Morocco Sept 1992 - Jun 1993 Baccalaureate in Mathematics Sciences from Chefchaouni high school,Temara – Morocco 31/10/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : Financial Reporting & Analysis. Corporate Finance & Portfolio Management Ethical and Professional Standards. Asset Valuation. Derivatives and Alternative Investments
computer skills : Microsoft Office Packages (Word,Excel,Power Point,Access,Ms Project),Oracle & Sage Excel: Formulas & Functions,Charts,Graphics & Lists,Analysing Data with Pivot Tables & Solver, Financial Analysis & Forecasting,Break-even & Leverage Analysis,TVM,Rate of Return,etc.
********** *********** 2007 – 2010 masters in management – specialization advertising strategy ceram business school nice sophia antipolis france 2005 – 2007 2 year post secondary diploma business management chamber of commerce of aisne france 2002 – 2003 1st class military certificate sergeant ecole nationale des sous officiers d’active saint maixent france 2001 – 2002 preparatory courses for entrance to french engineering schools lycée carnot paris france 2000 – 2001 baccalaureate science major maisons d’education de la légion d’honneur paris france 26/10/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : finance
computer skills : access act database sky counted sky management sky horoquartz irec lotusnotes mapple msoffice sap ulysse visit up chorus pcie
********** *********** #61656 2006 2008 : master 2ème année de modélisation aléatoire spécialité finance chevaleret – paris vii sous la direction de madame laure elie cours suivis : calcul stochastique modèles discrets et continus en finance equations différentielles stochastiques rétrogrades statistiques des processus contrôle optimal stochastique et gestion de portefeuille méthodes de quantification optimales en finance #61656 2004 2006 : master 1ère année de modélisation aléatoire à jussieu – paris vii ancienne maîtrise #61656 2001 2004 : licence de mathématiques ancien deug mias + licence de mathématiques appliquées à jussieu – paris vii 26/09/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : connaissances globales en calcul modelisation risques
computer skills : #61656 informatique : compétences SQL et BO,bonne connaissance outils bureautiques word excel visual basic powerpoint
********** *********** 2006 2008 master 2 en finance internationale trading et marchés de capitaux isg paris mémoire de master 2 « crise des subprime : risque systémique ou dérapage contrôlé » 3ème cycle en management institut supérieur de gestion isg paris 2003 2006 master 1 des sciences de gestion msg en alternance université paris dauphine paris ix 2001 2003 dut gestion des entreprises et des administrations en alternance université paris v rené descartes 2000 2001 baccalauréat scientifique à gérard de nerval noisiel 77 20/08/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : 2007 2008 6 mois merrill lynch market capital sas assistante sales cash equity actions europeennes § elaboration resume marche morning meeting pour clients institutionnels § traduction note d’analystes en anglais pour diffusion aux vendeurs § publication mensuelle d’une revue broker : ‘strategie d’allocation d’actifs’ § etude marche concernant entreprises secteurs… § utilisation en permanence logiciel bloomberg § preparation investors relations meeting 2005 2006 9 mois eim france sa societe gestion d’actifs assistante gerant portefeuilles § elaboration suivi etudes quantitatives sur portefeuilles sous gestion § conception controle reporting client § recherche analyse matricielle fonds en vue d’une selection en portefeuille § calculs divers ratios controles coherences § veille concurrentielle prospection clients internationaux § elaboration presentations destinees promouvoir societe les produits proposes 2001 2005 sgcib societe generale corporate investment banking operatrice back office nouvelles emissions 2 ans § gestion emissions taux primaires sur marche monetaires obligataires § creation actifs financiers monetaires sur marche § en coordination avec fo placement aupres investisseurs institutionnels ou financiers § faisabilite operations controle elements financiers § interlocutrice privilegiee clients tableau bord la satisfaction la clientele § reglement livraison gestion stocks comptabilisation operations § formation nouveaux arrivants realisation controle procedures gestionnaire back office clearing international euroclear cedel 2 ans § reglement livraison sur marche obligataires effectues pour compte la sg § gestion operations sur marche secondaires ou via organismes compensations § envoi confirmations des instructions controle l’appariement du denouement § suivi la tresorerie depositaire des stocks matieres
computer skills : suite office bloomberg logiciels proprietaires achat vente titres virements internationaux de comptabilite
********** *********** doctorat 2007 :ecole des mines de paris mathematiques statistiques dea 2004 : ecole normale superieure de cachan mathematiques vision apprentissage ingenieur 2003 : ecole nationales des sciences de l informatiques 15/08/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quantitatif modelisation stochastique
computer skills : langages :c++ java sql vb methodologies: uml outils: matlab sas spss isatis emf visual labview
********** *********** ingénieur de l ' Institut Sup' Galilée - spécialité mathématiques appliquées au calcul scientifique + Master 2: Modélisation de l'Economie et de la Fi nance. master 2 modélisation de l économie et de la finance internationale 21/07/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : Gestion actif passif ALM - Calcul actuariel
computer skills : Excel VBA matlab gauss VBA scilab vba c sas rats
********** *********** master en datamining master en econométrie 20/07/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : finance quantitative
computer skills : sas: stat guide miner
********** *********** Engineering school 16/07/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : Trading,structuring and risk in Flow and Structured Credit
computer skills : vba c#
********** *********** dea de statistique et modèles aléatoires en economie et finance universités paris vii et paris i en convention avec l’ensae 01/07/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant front office
computer skills : langage r c c++ java c# sql
********** *********** ingénieur centrale paris et master 2 dea de nicole el karoui 19/06/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant derive action
computer skills : c++ vba
********** *********** masters of science in finance graduation in apr 07 gpa: 3 62 baruch college zicklin school of business cuny nyc aacsb accredited fulltime graduate school of business american university of paris 28/05/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quantitative study financial engineering of: interest rate derivatives option strategies structuring of bond portfolios var garch arch global integration risk portfolio management m arbitrage pricing theory smile
computer skills : salesforce eviews excel vba bloomberg certified reuters daily use previa
********** *********** ingénieur 23/05/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : systemes informations dedies aux marche financiers
computer skills : systemes infos
********** *********** doctorat en science économique master macrodynamique et finance international 08/05/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : taux change
computer skills : microsoft office eviews 3 1 5 1 stata
********** *********** master degree 06/05/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : projects
computer skills : c++ vb net
********** *********** ms in mathematical finance be in computer science 29/04/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : application development quant
computer skills : c++ pl sql unix
********** *********** ph d in mathematics and applied mathematics master in mathematics applied to engineering 24/04/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : mathematics
computer skills : c merise data base automata
********** *********** 1999 2001: ecole préparatoir aux concours d entrée aux école d ingénieurs 2001 2004: sup’com : spécialité système d’information 23/04/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : 2004 : formation core chez gltrade initiation la finance marche 2004 2005: acces aux marche
computer skills : c# asp net javascript jsp c c++ java j2ee jsf jsp servelet asp vbscript vb6 crystal report sql server 2000 2005 sybase mysql oracle uml amc designer design patterns ajax xml clearcase
********** *********** 2007 2009 master finance de marché gestion des capitaux cnam essec 1998 2004 ingénieur en informatique insa de lyon + kth stockholm félicitations du jury 08/04/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : pas specialite particuliere plutot gestion actifs cependant
computer skills : java j2ee quick test pro test director pack office
********** *********** reims management school postgraduate diploma in finance 05/04/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : front office derivatives
computer skills : unix eviews sas matlab vba algo open link
********** *********** master ii audit des organisations et maîtrise des risques 25/03/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : back office
computer skills : word excel access powerpoint frontpage lotus sirius as 400 business object atlas light visio
********** *********** ingénieur généraliste : télécom paris enst mathématiques appliquées dea ens cachan analyse numérique master cnam essec finance de marché prévu fin 2008 04/03/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : produits financiers : produits structures taux credit vanille exotique derives action indice math financiere: calcul stochastiques pricing produits ci dessus calcul numerique : monte carlo analyse risque : var indicateurs risque
computer skills : c c++ c# vba base donnees : sql server oracle technologie ssis integration services
********** *********** dauphine+int+mba finance au canada 29/02/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : analyste technique indices actions europeennes americaines mais aussi marche changes de matieres premieres
computer skills : pack office bases en sql java
********** *********** mathématiques et informatique appliquées en économie et gestion management et gestion des entreprises 08/02/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : analyse financier finance du marché choix d'investissement gestion trésorerie diagnostique financier contrôle de gestion etc
computer skills : Windows 9x/2000/XP/,Internet,Ms Office 97-2003/2007,Ms Project,Ms Visio,MathLab,Bpwin; Base de données – Ms Access; ERP: JD Edwards,1C; Business Intelligence: Project Expert Programmation: VB6,VBA,C/C++/MFC,Delfi,SQL,XML,HTML Systèmes/Réseaux : VM ware,NetCracker
********** *********** voir le cv 06/02/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : voir cv
computer skills : voir cv
********** *********** ecole centrale paris cornell university ny des paris vi el karoui hec mastere management des risques internationaux 28/01/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : front office structuration taux interet
computer skills : vba qqs connaissances c
********** *********** escem master of arts in international business analysis 14/01/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : back office derives middle office actions front office actions
computer skills : word excel internet
********** *********** b asc in engineering science bioelectrical engineering university of toronto canada msc in financial mathematics university of warwick uk expected to graduate at 2008 12/01/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant
computer skills : programming language: c++ operating systems: windows 9x nt xp linux fedora 2 application technical software: matlab orcad spice electronic workbench hardware programming language: vhdl assembly language computer certification: mcsa microsoft certified systems administrator
********** *********** ensae spécialités finance et statistiques 2003 dea mase mathématiques appliquées aux sciences economiques paris ix dauphine 2003 11/01/2008
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant risque credit risque operationnel
computer skills : maitrise visual basic c++ mathlab mathematica
********** *********** masters degree in mathematics enough credits for a phd which i am still working on 05/12/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : math teacher at the college level
computer skills : latex word web assign
********** *********** bac+4 informatique option miage + master mbds 23/11/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : 15 mois au sien salafin
computer skills : java :moyen sql: expert
********** *********** ingénieur télécoms 11/11/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization :
computer skills : Compétences informatiques c c++ java sql oracle réseaux télécoms informatique gsm lan configuration routeurs sdh rnis dimensionnement un réseaux informatique
********** *********** ingénieur en génie énergétique 24/10/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : en energie
computer skills : word exel matlab internet ms project powerpoint
********** *********** universite de versailles saint quentin en yvelines thèse de doctorat en économie 2ère année universite paris sud faculte jean monnet dea economie et gestion de l’information et des reseaux institut des hautes etudes commerciales de carthage ihec master tice «master specialise en technologies de l’information commerce electronique» ecole superieure de commerce de tunis esc tunis diplôme des études universitaires en sciences de gestion maîtrise en sciences de gestion option commerce international 17/10/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : stage la banque royale canada des connaissance theoriques je suis tres pres monde la finance magasines specialises
computer skills : mac pc : #61656 windows 3 1 95 98 2000 2000 xp vista pro #61656 ms word ms excel ms powerpoint ms access ms outlook ms front page 98 #61656 corel draw #61656 paint shop pro 5 #61656 adobe photoshop adobe acrobat #61656 iphtoplus #61656 dreamweaver 4 internet user skills: #61656 internet explorer netscape communicator composer pegasus mail outlook express langages: #61656 algorithme #61656 pascal moyen
********** *********** 2007 08 Master 2 professionnel techniques d’information et de décision dans l’entreprise – université panthéon sorbonne paris I – paris analyse des données acp afc acm classification hiérarchique modélisation statistique et neuronale anova glm kohonen séries chronologiques scoring 2007 Master 1 econométrie spécialité finance – université panthéon assas – paris II séries temporelles gestion de portefeuille risque et incertitudes analyse financière calcul stochastique… 2005 maîtrise d’economie internationale spécialité finance – université panthéon assas – paris II finance de marché finance internationale normes comptables internationales… 2004 licence d’economie internationale – université panthéon assas – paris II 2003 deug d’economie gestion – université panthéon assas – melun 77 2001 baccalauréat général – economique et social – fontainebleau 77 03/10/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quantitative économetrie,Risques de Crédit,Analyse Crédit,Activité P&L,
computer skills : Logiciels financiers : Summit,Calypso,Bloomberg,FactSet,BankScope,sites internet des agences de notation,CreditMetrics. Logiciels traitement texte et de présentation : word powerpoint Logiciels traitement données : excel VBA sas stata e views access
********** *********** 2002 2003 university of pierre marie curie paris 6: http: masterfinance proba jussieu fr master degree of financial mathematics supervisor: nicole el karoui : stochastic calculus numerical methods options pricing calibration of models 1999 2002 iie: http: www iie cnam fr french engineering school grande ecole majored in finance operational research optimization computer science 1996 1999 lycée louis le grand paris: http: www louis le grand org one of the top french schools « classes préparatoires aux grandes ecoles » majored in mathematics physics chemistry 1996 tunisian baccalaureate certificate in kelibia: scientific diploma with honours 02/10/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : financial engineer on credit risk department front office as business analyst
computer skills : operating systems unix linux windows programming languages c c++ java vbasic html sql data base sql oracle access fo software sophis summit must murex mlc
********** *********** 2004 dess conception de projets internet intranet 2003 licence professionnelle réseaux et télécoms mention administration de sites internet 2001 maîtrise es sciences économiques option management des organisations 2000 licence sciences économiques 2000 diplôme de technicien supérieur en informatique de gestion compétence : analyste programmeur 26/09/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : aucune
computer skills : c# java jsp php asp asp net vb
********** *********** ingénieur supelec + essec mba 26/09/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : 2 years experience in trading and now auditing risk management and trading activities on interest rates derivatives products in one of the main European banks
computer skills : Mastery of VBA programming / Notions in Java and C++ Mastery of the Microsoft Office package Good knowledge of BLOOMBERG/REUTERS
********** *********** 2004 2007 expert comptable stagiaire 2005 master audit contrôle comptabilité 2004 descf 2002 maîtrise sciences economiques option gestion 26/09/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : divers
computer skills : #61607 anglais courant #61607 informatique : access : bonne maitrise sgbd excel : macro tableau croise dynamique ccmx sage coala
********** *********** bac + 5 ecole nationale superieur des mines de saint etienne 17/09/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : front office
computer skills : erp: kondor+ ktp c c++ vb pl sql transactsql
********** *********** dea economie appliquée et econométrie et licence en finance domaine d activité réseaux de neurone et decision stratégique 29/08/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : etude mouvements aleatoires sur taux change en applicant methodes intelligence artificielle reseaux neurones
computer skills : bureautique: pack office word excel powerpoint outlook systemes: windows nt windows 2000 windows xp linux administration reseaux langages programmation: delphi asp php j2ee mysql sql server sql server access infographie: adobe 1ere 3dsmax photoshop corel draw stat sondage: eviews stata winqsb shazam spss excel
********** *********** ingéniorat en informatique 07/07/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : formation developpement logiciel
computer skills : sql sql server c c++ delphi7 vb6 oracle crystal report
********** *********** multidisciplinary phd 03/07/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : strategy product development quantitative qualitative analysis
computer skills : c c++ vb matlab
********** *********** dess ingénierie mathématiques 06/06/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : score prevision
computer skills : vba mysql
********** *********** ingenieur informatique 20/04/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : temps reel objets distribues
computer skills : c++ csharp stl xml mfc visual basic c sql uml design patterns visual studio clearcase objecteering rational rose
********** *********** statistiques et informatique 19/03/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : Statistiques,Econométrie
computer skills : sas java c c++ vba matlab
********** *********** bachelors in math economics and masters in math 14/06/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : good multitasker independent worker
computer skills : extensive use of excel word other specialized programs
********** *********** doctorat en mathématiques appliquées statistique 01/02/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : stat appli
computer skills : c c++ sas
********** *********** master en management des ntic dba oracle 9i 10 22/01/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : management ntic dba oracle 9i 10
computer skills : oracle 9i 10g
********** *********** master 2 finance 24/01/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : banque finance gestion risques
computer skills : vba excel sql
********** *********** ingénieur agronome master en finance 19/01/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : credit risk management
computer skills : sql bloomberg access pack office etc
********** *********** dess finance master gestion d entreprise 22/12/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : finance marche
computer skills : word excel access powerpoint
********** *********** master ii sciences économiques option oesi 05/12/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : middle office
computer skills : sql++ java spss soritec utilisation reuters
********** *********** mines paris ms finance escp dea math jussieu 15/11/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization :
computer skills : excel vba vb sql c
********** *********** dess banque et finance internationales 19/10/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : analyse financiere
computer skills : sas
********** *********** doctorat mécanique phénomènes probabilistes 28/09/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : dynamique stochastique optimisation analyse risque
computer skills : c++ matlab scilab java vb windows os x unix linux
********** *********** bac+5 msc business management euromed marseille 16/08/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : banque back middleoffice
computer skills : hyperion financial management
********** *********** cnam cefab et doctorat en physique statistique 08/08/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant
computer skills : linux c
********** *********** dea statistiques 04/08/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : stat
computer skills : sas excel c
********** *********** Ingenieur en Informatique 28/05/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : genie logiciels
computer skills : c c++ delphi vhdl html c# net asp net visual studio 2005 sql server 2005
********** *********** ENSAE + DEA 05/04/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant
computer skills : c++ sql
********** *********** Financial Markets 11/05/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : Trading commodities - fixed income
computer skills : office, vba,Acces
********** *********** doctorant 22/03/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant front office
computer skills : matlab vba sas
********** *********** Ingénieur Supélec + Master of Sciences GeorgiaTech 20/03/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : risques marche risques credit
computer skills : sql vba matlab maple excel word powerpoint sas fincad bloomberg tradix decalog
********** *********** Predoctoral research in probabilities 08/03/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : fx trader
computer skills : bloomberg reuters vba
********** *********** Doctorat 08/03/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : physique
computer skills : c c++ fortran excel powerpoint
********** *********** Ingénieur Informaticien Master MIAGE 04/03/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : miage systemes information
computer skills : oracle sql server c++ c java visual basic access ms projects etc
********** *********** ingénieur mechatronics 06/04/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : informatique
computer skills : c c++ sql
********** *********** master degree in statistic computer 31/12/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : actuary marketing risk management statistic market finance
computer skills : sas spss c c++ word excel powerpoint access crystal report
********** *********** mastère spécialisé 21/04/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : informatique
computer skills : powerbuilder oracle java
********** *********** Doctorat 11/04/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : physique
computer skills : fortran c c++ excel sql
********** *********** Master BAC +5 07/02/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : finance internationale marche capitaux
computer skills : visual basic
********** *********** DEA Finance Quantitative - en cohabilitation avec l'ENSAE - MASTER FINANCE 30/01/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : Trading & Structuring on Structured Credit
computer skills : java vba sql matlab r
********** *********** Master Paris 6 Probabilité et finance 16/01/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant
computer skills : c++ com dcom xml
********** *********** Ph D Department of Computer Science UNC Charlott 18/01/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant developer
computer skills : c c++ expert object oriented programming stl desi
********** *********** FINANCE ECONOMETRIE 20/12/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : finance marche
computer skills : SAS RATS PACK OFFICE
********** *********** bac+8 : DEA modélisation et analyse quantitative 21/11/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : ecometrie appli finance
computer skills : word excel access eviews rats
********** *********** ph d physics m sc stats computing maths 20/06/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant finance options derivatives risk physics mathematics statistics computing numerical methods
computer skills : vba sql matlab mathematica nag reuters bloomberg
********** *********** ens cachan département de mathématiques 14/04/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quant
computer skills : c++ pl sql
********** *********** Ingénieur ENSTB Communications numériques 28/09/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : communications numeriques traitement signal
computer skills : matlab c c++
********** *********** DESS DEA mathématique financières 01/09/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : math financieres reseau neurone
computer skills : sas spss maple v matlab neuroone
********** *********** ingénieur informaticien 08/08/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : commerce electronique
computer skills : java vb php mysql informix j2ee
********** *********** INGENIEUR 29/07/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : informatique
computer skills : c++ java c# vb net
********** *********** Bac+5 finances bancaire +DESS Bases de données 07/07/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : middle office
computer skills : sql php
********** *********** Mathématiques appliquées 04/07/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : traitement l information
computer skills : matlab sas sql c++
********** *********** Master of Science in Finance Bachelor of Technolo 29/06/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : risk
computer skills : c++
********** *********** DEA Statistique Paris VI 21/06/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : quantitative analyst
computer skills : matlab c c++ java sas
********** *********** international MBA from Reims Management School 17/12/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : fonctionnelle
computer skills : formation base : Ingénieur informaticien
********** *********** DEA Monnaie Banque et Finance 04/06/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : front office acquisitions credits
computer skills : sql uniface
********** *********** ingénieur des ateliers de génie logiciel 08/01/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : finance marche
computer skills : java c++ c sql plsql vbscript excel jsf struts
********** *********** master2 Gestion des Organisation 22/04/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization :
computer skills :
********** *********** MSc International Finance Investment 18/04/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : analyst international finance investment
computer skills : oracle sql pl sql unix c++ statistical package sas reuters bloomberg traderforce
********** *********** Master banque Finance 17/12/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : middle office
computer skills : exel access as 400 carnet ordre fst
********** *********** Master Statistique (M2) 19/02/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization :
computer skills :
********** *********** Master 2 ingénierie mathématiques financières 28/01/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : Market Risk
computer skills : access excel c++ r,bloomberg
********** *********** DESS, DEA, Magistère 26/01/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization :
computer skills :
********** *********** ingénieur 07/01/2005
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : marchés electroniques en front office
computer skills : MOA unix sql kondor reuters bloomberg
********** *********** MBA International Business 28/12/2004
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization :
computer skills :
********** *********** master management des operations de marche mom 13/04/2007
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : middle office
computer skills : vba sql evolan treasury rares bnd
********** *********** mba bachelor of engineering 27/09/2006
year(s) of experience.
Looking for a job.
Specialization : investment management
computer skills : excel vba c



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